2025.07.18 - 2025.07.27
【終了しました】 2024.09.28 ~ 2024.09.28
YAMATO is a Taiko drum group based in Asuka Village, Nara Prefecture, known as the homeland of Japan. The group’s members, who have trained their bodies to the utmost limits, perform on stage with a wide array of Taiko drums of various sizes. The sound they produce is not merely heard by the ears but is felt throughout the entire body. It resonates directly with the soul, penetrating through every pore. YAMATO’s performances, sometimes stoic, sometimes humorous, are often described as ‘music of the body.’ Their shows transcend all boundaries—age, nationality, gender—and energize the audience, filling the seats with people from all walks of life.
会場 | 京都府民ホールアルティ Kyoto Prefectural Hall ALTI |
日時 | 2024年9月28日(土)15:00~17:00 15:00開演(開場30分前) Saturday, September 28, 2024. Performance starts at 3:00 PM (doors open 30 minutes prior) |
住所 | 京都市上京区烏丸通上長者町上る龍前町590−1 |
交通 | JRからのアクセス JR京都駅より地下鉄烏丸線へ乗り換え、地下鉄烏丸線「国際会館行き」に乗車。今出川駅で下車、6番出口を出て右手(南)側へ徒歩5分。 阪急からのアクセス 阪急烏丸駅より地下鉄烏丸線へ乗り換え、地下鉄烏丸線「国際会館行き」に乗車。今出川駅で下車、6番出口を出て右手(南)側へ徒歩5分。 京阪からのアクセス 京阪出町柳駅2番出口より市バスへ乗り換え。市バス「出町柳駅前」より201もしくは203に乗車、烏丸今出川で下車、烏丸通を渡り南へ徒歩5分。 近鉄からのアクセス 近鉄竹田駅より地下鉄烏丸線へ乗り換え。地下鉄烏丸線「国際会館行き」に乗車、今出川駅で下車、6番出口を出て右手(南)側へ徒歩5分。 Access from JR: Transfer from JR Kyoto Station to the Karasuma Line of the subway. Take the Karasuma Line bound for Kokusaikaikan. Get off at Imadegawa Station, exit from Exit 6, and walk 5 minutes to the right (south). Access from Hankyu: Transfer from Hankyu Karasuma Station to the Karasuma Line of the subway. Take the Karasuma Line bound for Kokusaikaikan. Get off at Imadegawa Station, exit from Exit 6, and walk 5 minutes to the right (south). Access from Keihan: Transfer from Keihan Demachiyanagi Station, Exit 2, to the city bus. Take Bus 201 or 203 from the "Demachiyanagi Station Front" bus stop, get off at Karasuma Imadegawa, cross Karasuma Street, and walk 5 minutes south. Access from Kintetsu: Transfer from Kintetsu Takeda Station to the Karasuma Line of the subway. Take the Karasuma Line bound for Kokusaikaikan. Get off at Imadegawa Station, exit from Exit 6, and walk 5 minutes to the right (south). |
料金 | 全席指定 前売(当日500円UP) 大人5500円 高校生以下4000円 3歳以下はご入場いただけません All seats reserved. Advance tickets (500 yen more on the day): Adults: 5,500 yen High school students and younger: 4,000 yen Children under 3 years old are not allowed entry. |
お問合せ先 | 株式会社魂源堂-KONGENDO TEL 0744-54-5531 |
ホームページ | (日本語)https://www.yamato.jp/2024/j2024.html |
補足情報 | 主催者:株式会社魂源堂-KONGENDO |
2025.07.18 - 2025.07.27
2025.01.11 - 2025.03.30
2025.01.15 - 2025.03.31
2025.01.11 - 2025.02.28
2024.10.12 - 2025.02.28
2024.12.01 - 2025.03.31
2025.01.02 - 2025.03.23
2025.02.01 - 2025.03.09