
【終了しました】 2024.04.06 ~ 2024.05.19


Junji Takasago Photo Exhibition -Voices of our planet-




本展は、「海の声」「大地の声」「空の声」の3部で構成し、約100点の写真作品により地球の生きる姿を多角的に展覧します。地球温暖化等さまざまな環境問題を抱えるわたしたちは、多様な作品群から、地球のどのような声を聴くことができるでしょうか。ぜひご覧ください。 ※本展は、スマートフォン・携帯電話に限り、会場内写真撮影が可能です。


Photographer Junji Takasago (1962-present) has been touring countries all over the world while designating the entire Earth as the field of his business. There is no end to his journey to encounter the mystical environments under the sea, the vast sprawling land, the infinite sky, and the creatures inhabiting all those areas. Peering into the mysterious worlds embraced in nature through his camera for 38 years, Mr. Takasago states an idea has come to his mind:
“We, humanity, are living in the present as one of the important cells constituting the Earth like various other living creatures. Respective living creatures are intertwined with one another as pieces to make the Earth, a single life, possible.”
This exhibition is comprised of the three sectors of “Voices of Sea,” “Voices of Land,” and “Voices of Sky,” featuring about 80 photography works to portray the Earth as a living body from a range of aspects. What kind of voice of the Earth can we hear from a trove of photos, now that we are facing various environmental issues, such as global warming, these days? We hope you all enjoy this great opportunity.

  • バオバブ/マダガスカル ©Junji Takasagoバオバブ/マダガスカル ©Junji Takasago
  • ハイイログマ/カナダ ©Junji Takasagoハイイログマ/カナダ ©Junji Takasago
  • ジェンツーペンギン/フォークランド ©Junji Takasagoジェンツーペンギン/フォークランド ©Junji Takasago
会場 美術館「えき」KYOTO(JR京都駅・ジェイアール京都伊勢丹7F隣接)
日時 2024年4月6日(土)~5月19日(日) 10:00~19:30
※入館締切 閉館30分前
住所 京都市下京区東塩小路町 京都拉麺小路
交通 各線「京都」駅下車すぐ
料金 一般 1,000円(800円)
高・大学生 800円(600円)
小・中学生 600円(400円)


お問合せ先 美術館「えき」KYOTO(ジェイアール京都伊勢丹・大代表)



<高砂淳二 ギャラリー・トーク> 会場:美術館「えき」KYOTO
4月13日(土)・14日(日)・27日(土)・28日(日)/各日(1日2回)①11:00から ②15:00から



■Museum「EKi」KYOTO (Kyoto Station Building 7th Floor)
■Exhibition dates: Saturday, April 6th. 2024 to Sunday, May 19th, 2024 (open every day)
■Opening Times: 10:00 am to 7:30 pm (latest entry 7:00 pm)
■Entry fee (tax incl.): General 1000 yen (800 yen), high school and university students 800 yen (600 yen) *Present your student ID, junior high school and elementary school students 600 yen (400 yen).
Please note that prices indicated in brackets apply to advance purchase tickets.
■Advance purchase ticket sales dates: Saturday, February 17th. 2024 to Friday, April 5th. 2024
Advance tickets may be purchased at Museum「EKi」KYOTO, or through Ticket PIA(P-Code 994-666), Lawson Ticket(L-Code 53559) and other major ticket sellers.

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